Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Group Video

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Motivation - Michael Jordan - Failure is the foundation of success

American basketball star Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. Jordan is the absolute pure example of failure and its correlation with success. When Michael was 15year of age, he was cut from his basket ball team. His coach told his that he couldn't play ball. After receiving such harsh comments Michael went home, locked himself in his room and cried him self to sleep. A few years later he was playing for the Chicago bulls in the world famous National Basketball league of America a.k.a the NBA. 

Reenforcing the backbone of his success, Michael had experienced detrimental failure, he for a lack of a better word "Sucked" this made Jordan recognise his failures and work on them tireless, he became such a professionalise at crafting his blunders that Jordan has been well known from his slam dunking from the Free throw line, a renound talent. He is also Sponsored by Nike, with his own sub brand Jordan. this is a fantastic example of don't let anyone tell you you can not do something, if your fat, skinny or extremely obese you have identified your weaknesses and you can amend them and SUCCEED like Michael Jordan did. 


Some of Michael's most famous quotes are

- I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
Read more at 

- I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.
Read more at 

- To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don't isolate.

There you have it guys, you have failed now its time to succeed. If your fat because you eat unhealthy, eat healthy. If your not goign to the gym join a gym and find the time to go. You learn more from failures then you do from winning at first. Take advantage of that and excel. Motivation is key to our daily lives, killer it and let motivation be the igniter of your fire.   

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Body Transformation Blog 4: Mike Chang

Mike Chang has had an amazing transformation over the years and is very well known for his youtube channel sixpackshortcuts which has millions of views and subscribers. Mike lost a lot of fat and put on a lot of muscle and he encourages others to do the same via youtube videos. On his youtube channel he has motivational videos about how he lost weight and how anyone can do it, he also posts hundreds of videos about different exercise for different muscles and nutritional videos. Mike Chang is a great inspiration to all who aspire to get a better physique and if you are looking to lose a bit of fat or maybe put some muscle on i would definitely recommend you have a look at his youtube channel: or his website:

Mike woke up one day and wasnt happy with his body so he decided to change it and has not only made a great change but also a great career out of working hard in the gym, if he can do it why not us?

Patrick Jabbour

Diet Tips for a Healthy Life Blog 3: Keeping lean while bulking

Alot of people are always saying they want to put on muscle. Thats the key right there. Put on muscle, not fat. You get those who can eat anything in sight and still maintain a lean bulk, but for the majority you need to ensure your diet is clean in order to pack on those lean slabs of muscle your after. This diet should do just the trick! Its got the perfect amount of calories, protein and carbohydrates to ensure you can put on lean muscle without any excess fat.


Calories: 1,835
Protein: 185g
Carbs: 135g
Fat: 65g








Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Supplement Blog 4 

Despite the fact that steroids tend to harm the body and health of their users, the popularity of steroids has been on an all-time high. One can hear news about steroids on almost a daily basis these days and the usage of steroids has been on a rampant basis despite odds against their usage.
Steroids, which are rated as Schedule III substances, can be converted into testosterone (male sex hormone) to help in the production of muscle growth and enhancing body performance.
As per the 1999 Monitoring the Future Study, it was estimated that 2.7 percent of 8th and 10th graders and 2.9 percent of 12th graders had taken anabolic steroids in the United States, at least once in their lives. It was further estimated that hundreds of thousands of people (18 years or above) confessed using steroids at least once a year. Though it was revealed that steroid abuse is higher in men, young women were not far behind men and it is expected that the percentage of women using steroids will soon reach the level currently held by men.
It was also noticed that one of the biggest reasons that encouraged people of all ages and sexes towards steroids was their inability to consider their own body as healthy. While many complained of carrying too much weight with them, many viewed that their muscles were small in size even though they were found to be lean and muscular by the medical fraternity. It was also revealed that many of the present day steroid users have experienced sexual or physical abuse in their past. The reason why they take steroids is to gain muscle size to protect themselves from similar incidents in the present and future.
Since oral steroids such as anadrolwinstroldianabol, and oxandrin are available freely online (without a prescription) along with injectable steroids such as deca-durabolindurabolin, depo-testoterone, and equipoise, steroids are enjoying all-time high levels of success and popularity.
The number of ailments arising from usage of steroids is more than the number of people taking steroids. The abuse of anabolic steroids has been largely associated with a wide range of adverse side-effects, ranging from physically unattractive effects like acne and breast development in men to life-threatening health conditions such as liver cancer and heart ailments such as heart attack and stroke to name a few. It is discovered that people do not tend to seek medical intervention when confronted with steroid abuse to avoid law.

Andrew De Silva

Workout Blog 4: Cool Down Stretches

 Chest Cross Arm Swing: When combined with side steps or walking in place, this is a great way to keep the heart rate elevated slightly so it can more effectively push waste products to the kidneys and liver while taxing your body only slightly as to not create any excessive waste itself. You will primarily feel this in your chest and the front of your shoulder when your arms are pulled back behind your ribcage and in the rear of your shoulder and upper back when your arms are crossed over in front of your ribcage. Just be sure to move slowly and alternate which arm is on top when your arms are in front of your body.

Wide Toe Touch:
With your feet wider than shoulder width you stretch a slightly different part of your lower back, hamstring (back of the thigh), glute (butt) and calf (only slightly) than you would when doing a regular toe touch (aka straight leg hang) with your feet together. Try modifying this by pointing your toes out or in to target different areas of your legs, back, and hips.

Squatting Glute Stretch: Though this stretch requires a bit of extra balance and control to do without assistance, it is a great way to stretch deep into the glute (butt) muscles and also will hit parts of the lower back. Start with only a shallow squat then build up over time until you have the flexibility and strength to get to a full squat.

Inside Thigh Stretch: This position gives you the same benefits of dropping down to do the side splits (or trying anyway) but without the uncomfortable feeling by focusing on only one leg at a time. With one leg bent you are able to focus on getting the stretch on the inside thigh/groin of the straight leg. To intensify the move, you don’t need to drop further into a side lunge, instead just focus on dropping your hip lower (on the side with the straight leg).

Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch: The hip flexor (front of the hip joint) can be a hard location to stretch properly but this position does a really good job of isolating the hip flexor one side at a time. The key with this position is to keep the back leg straight (this is the side of the body where you will feel it). To intensify the pull, lunge lower and/or lean back slightly. Just be careful to move to the identical position on the opposite side.

Standing Quad Stretch: This is another position that can be a bit challenging for balance without any assistance but it is a great way to target the quadriceps (the front/top of the thigh). Only pull your heel as close to your butt as you can without your knee feeling uncomfortable; don’t pull too hard as it can over compress and damage/loosen your knee joint. Once you have a slight stretch, pull your knee back behind you (using the muscles in your leg) to intensify the feeling in the hip and quadriceps.

Side Bends: This motion targets the obliques as you lean sideways. It can be modified to incorporate the outer thigh as well by bringing your foot across in front of you at the same time. For example if you are leaning to the left then pull your right leg (the same side you will feel it in) across to the left as well. This should intensify the pull on the right oblique as well as adding a pull to the right outside thigh and hip.

Arm Cross Shoulder Stretch: This motion targets the rear of the deltoid (shoulder) and the rhomboid (upper back, over the shoulder blade). Depending on the flexibility of these areas you may not feel much of a pull, but keeping your upper arm close to your chest and pulling with the opposite arm across and away from the shoulder to be stretched should intensify this motion.

Overhead Tricep Stretch: Targeting the tricep (back of the upper arm) can be difficult but this position does a good job of not only targeting the tricep but also various parts of the shoulder complex (muscles that surround the shoulder socket). Be sure to reach back to the same shoulder as arm you are stretching to get the most tricep pull.

Wall Shoulder Stretch: Shoulder range of motion is often an issue that can limit ones ability to perform various upper body exercises properly. This position is a great way to keep from losing that range of motion and when held for longer time periods it can help you to regain lost range of motion, allowing you more freedom of movement with the arm fully extended overhead. Just be sure to keep a flat back rather than letting it arch as this can cause back pain/injuries if hyperextended.

Annalise Dracopoulos.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Motivation - Bruce Lee, Martial Artist legend

Today i will be talking about one of the greatest martial artists of all time, that is of course Mr Bruce Lee. Bruce was 27th of November 1940 and later died making a movie in 1973. Bruce was a man of wisdom and courage and is often referred to one of the most determined and discipline human beens that has ever walked on this earth. He has many very well known quotes, quotes which are exercised effectively by fighters all over the world. His words of courage, life experience thus, reflecting such specialised intelligence is the most invaluable experience we could ever refer to. 

Not only is Bruce Chinese, he made it onto the big screen in Hollywood at the young age of 19. It was his dream, reflecting his history and culture is just a great example of the MOTIVATION we all need to have to reach our fitness goals. We all need motivation as expressed in my most recent blog posts but to have this idols experience interoperated into fitness health and well being will most certainly ignite a fire for the foundation of getting up and getting "Physical."

Some of Bruces most famous quotes are as follows 

- Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, a very pretty often hot and fierce but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep burning and Unquenchable. 

- Knowledge will give you power, but character will give you respect

- As you think, so shall you become

- A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough

- If you spend too much time thinking of a thing, youll never get it done

- Its not the daily increase but the daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential

AND my favourite -----> Don't prey for an easy life, Prey for the Strength to Endure a Hard One

Ladies and Gentleman, this was a man who could throw up a grain of rice in the air and catch it falling with 2 chop sticks. Precision, skill and accuracy was something bruce has effectively mastered. With enough skill, will and determination you can become what ever you want to be. the only Boundary is the one you set yourself. Most importantly Success is a Journey, not a destination.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Workout Blog 3: Intermediate Arms and Legs

Intermediate Leg Workout
Now's the time to introduce squats into your program which are often called the 'king' of lower body exercises.  Be sure to watch that you're always maintaining good form while executing this movement.  Keep the rest periods between the first two exercises to sixty seconds and then after that decrease it down to 30 seconds total.
Squats3 8-10
Stiff Leg Deadlifts2 8-10
Lunges2 10-12
Standing Calf Raises2 10-12
Seated Calf Raises2 10-12

Intermediate Arm Workout
This intermediate arm workout will have you performing a variation of the bench press as a means to target the tricep muscles. This not only works it in a different manner but will also help to fatigue the triceps before really targeting them with your tricep extension. Aim for forty-five minute rest breaks between the first two exercises and thirty second rest breaks between the last two.
Barbell Curls3 8-10
Close-Grip Bench Press2 8-10
Bent Over Tricep Extension2 8-10
Hammer Curls2 8-10

Annalise Dracopoulos.

Body Transformation Blog 3: Said 'Chestbrah' Sergeyevich

This is a body transformation of amateur bodybuilding sensation Said 'Chestbrah' Sergeyevich. Chestbrah in the space of 7 years put on 31kgs of muscle by working hard in the gym and eating a clean diet. Chestbrah said he began body building so he could get 'shredded' and impress girls as well as stop getting bullied for being small and skinny. Chestbrah is the older brother of late amateaur body builder Zyzz. Chestbrah like his brother Zyzz is also accused of taking steroids after he was found in possession of the drugs and pleaded guilty to possession of drugs. Besides his affiliations with steroids much can be admired of Chestbrah especially his dedication and hard work in the gym to achieve his goal. Chestbrah's transformation has inpired and motivated many to join the gym and to work towards their dream physique.

Patrick Jabbour

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Supplements Blog 3: Protein

 Protein is a nutrient that is essential for growth and development. Our muscles are made of protein and some of our most important anabolic hormones are made of protein including insulin and growth hormone. In terms of sport, protein is the primary essential nutrient capable of building new muscle and repairing damaged muscle. Protein is found in both animal and plant sources, with animal sources being the best source of complete protein due to high availability of all amino acids. Consuming our protein through supplements is an easy way to maintain increased protein needs as a result of exercise without consuming bulky and often calorie high foods and meals. There is a huge variety of protein powders and formulas in the market.

The protein supplements can be broken down to either mass-gainers, lean-gainers, or weight loss protein to suit ones particular goal 

Gaining weight requires that you increase the amount of calories you eat. Specifically you must consume more calories in diet, than you expend in energy. Doing this with regular foods quickly becomes monotonous, expensive, and difficult after a couple of days if not sooner. So a great healthy way to gain weight is to supplement your regular diet with a Mass Gainer. The top 3 weight gainers are: 


Weight Loss Protein
The prime goal for any strength trainer is to gain muscle weight without gaining dreaded body fat. Integrating Protein into your regular diet ensures that you can build muscle, increase strength, & gain lean muscle weight, whilst preventing excess body fat from creeping in. The only problem is that protein alone cannot sustain a healthy body. So, most protein formulas contain Carbohydrates, which can easily convert to fat if not managed correctly. The top 3 Fat loss proteins are: 


Andrew De Silva

Monday, 22 April 2013

Fitness Motivation - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Hollywood actress, former california Mayor, body building champion and fitness aspiring icon, Arnold Schwarzenegger born July 30 1937 dominates the fitness scene through his fabulously scultped body and controversial character. His success has been the back bone of his sheer determination, will and skill to be the best as he can, and for you readers this is the exact attitude which must be adopted in order to reach that glowing light at the end of that weightless tunnel.

Jiust like Muhummed Ali which was featured last week, Arnold stresses the importance of the energising nature of motivation when it come to getting up and achieving your tasks. Those days when your too tired from going to the gym, shut up. Those days when you claim you don't have enough time, shut up as arnold would put it. There are no excuses the gym releases serotonine, making you feel better after a great work out. Here are some of Arnold's most memorable quotes

- Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer

- When your partying, drinking, resting there is someone out there that is working hard. There is 24hrs in a day, you sleep 8 of them you work hard for 16 of those hours. 

There you have it, a character a man a successor. A main with a vision, a man who puts 110% into everything he does. Why take up something if your not going to try. You may got to the gym and work hard, but your diet may be ordinary. He can not stress the importance to the approach. You only get out what you put in.

Conquor, strength, motivation, arnold schwarzenegger, fitness, inspiration, character, 

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Diet Tips for a Healthy Life Blog 2: Low Carbohydrate Diets for Losing Weight

Most people these days want to be lean and shredded and your diet is the best way in order to achieve this want. In this blog I will show you the most effective way in order to lose fat while at the same time ensure you keep your lean muscle mass. This is through the "Low Carbohydrate Diet". This diet comes in many shapes and forms you may have heard about such as the Atkins Diet or South Beach Diet, however some of these can be unsafe and even unhealthy. I will show you the best way to undertake a low carb diet.

The basic principle of the low carb diet is to significantly reduce your carbohydrate intake to reduce the amount of glycogen that your body recieves in your blood. Remember, glycogen is what carbohydrates break down to in the blood and is your bodies preferred energy source. Basically, when your body is depleted of glycogen it will look other forms of energy such as fats. This is where you can lose those stored kilos on your body! However, the problem with many low carb diets is they reduce carbs way too much and  do not include enough emphasis on nutrition. My low carb diet plan ensures carbs aren't reduced to dangerous levels (after all your body does need them) and vitamins and minerals are not sacrificed.

  • 4 eggs cooked to your liking with olive oil (scrambles, fried, boiled etc.)
  • 1/8 medium melon, such as rockmelon or 50g of blueberries
  • 30 grams almonds – either slivered on cereal, or whole – can save as a mid-morning snack if preferred


  • Throw It Together Salad: Bag of salad greens – about 6.5 oz or 4 cups, tossed together with half a sliced avocado, 2 Tablespoons sunflower seeds, 150g of whatever protein you like (I used deli turkey for the analysis, but egg, beef, chicken, fish, or tofu would be fine), and 2 Tablespoons of balsamic dressing and olive oil.


  • Swiss and Ham Roll-Up: 50g sliced ham and 25g sliced Swiss cheese, with sugar-free mustard if desired, rolled around a medium dill pickle 


  • Basil Chicken with Vegetables
  • Dessert: ½ cup ricotta cheese with desired flavorings, such as Sugar Free falvoured syrpus, coffee and sweetener, unsweetened cocoa and sweetener (check carbs), or mixed berries
Nutritional Analysis: This menu provides 49 grams effective carbohydrate plus 36 grams fiber, 101 grams protein, and 1569 calories. It contains at least the minimum requirements of all essential vitamins and minerals.

Following a plan like the one above is the perfect way to lose those extra kilos while at the same time remaining healthy and storing that lean muscle.

James Hallab